If you have financially been affected by the financial crisis brought by the pandemic, doing everything you can to get money is your priority. If you have junk cars you have no use for anymore, why not get Cash for your vehicle? Before you do, the following are the questions you should ask before selling your used car to Car Cash Removal.
1) Will I be Getting a Receipt for the Transaction?
Typically, you will get a receipt right after your old car has been towed and after you have received the payment. It may vary from one company to another. However, rest assured if you choose us, you will get a receipt right after the transaction has been made, so you have proof of non-liability. You can then remove it from your insurance.
2) Is the Removal Process Long?
It will depend on how smooth the transaction goes. If you want quick Cash for Car Removals, you should prepare the documents ahead of time for the process to finish faster. Prepare documents such as the title of the car for the transfer of ownership to be a complete success. It speeds up the Car Removal process, and you will get the cash from us in no time.
3) Should I Drain the Fluids First?
There is no need to drain out the fluids in your used car. If you want to Sell Your Car for Cash, we will make it easier for you. We will tow your car out of your property even with the fluids still in the car. It is not advisable to remove toxic fluids such as brake fluid because it could be dangerous. Leave everything to us. Because we are leading Cash for Cars
4) Do You Have a License for Your Business?
As with any business, our company will be registered and will have the license required to conduct the car removal service, so there is no need to worry. Do not hesitate to ask for proof of the license. We are more than willing to provide it for your assurance.
These are a few questions you must ask when you Sell Your Car for Cash. You do not want to be blindsided by buyers who are not licensed and do not issue receipts. Ask the team the right questions and prepare the documents ahead of time, and you will get your car for top dollar in no time.
Get in touch with Cash Car Removal for an instant cash offer for your junk, old or unwanted car.
Call us on (02) 9632 7657